- Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering (Remote
Semsing), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA, 2000.
- M.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering (Remote
Sensing), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA, 1996.
- B.S. Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei Taiwan, 1989.
- Professor, Center for Space and Remote Sensing
Research and Civil Engineering Department
(co-appointed), National Central University, Taiwan
(ROC). 2014/8 -- present.
- Deputy Secretary General, Asian Association on Remote
Sensing (AARS). 2019/10 -- present.
- Director, Resource Satellite Ground Receiving Station,
CSRSR, NCU. 2017/05 -- present.
- Director, Center for Space and Remote Sensing
Research, National Central University, Taiwan (ROC).
2018/2 -- 2021/1.
- Chair, Working Group VI/5, International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), 2012/7 --
- Associate Professor, Center for Space and Remote
Sensing Research and Civil Engineering Department
(co-appointed), National Central University, Taiwan
(ROC). 2007/8 -- 2014/7.
- Assistant Professor, Center for Space and Remote
Sensing Research and Civil Engineering Department
(co-appointed), National Central University, Taiwan
(ROC). 2002/8 -- 2007/7.
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Earth and
Environmental Science Division, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos NM, USA. 2000/7 -- 2002/7.
- Consultant, Cornell Institute for Resource Information
System, Ithaca NY, USA. 2000/2 - 2000/6.
- Research Assistant, School of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca
NY, USA. 1998/10 -- 2000/2.
- Graduate Research Assistant, Earth and Environmental
Science Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los
Alamos NM, USA. 1997/1 -- 1998/10.
- Research Assistant, School of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca
NY, USA. 1993/10 -- 1996/12.
- Civil Design Engineer, Civil Engineering Department,
Gibson Engineers, Taipei Taiwan (ROC). 1991/6 -- 1993/7.